
Introduction to openoffice

Download location (HTTP):
Download location (FTP):        
Version used:                   1.0.2
Package size:                   155 MB
Estimated Disk space required:  2.1 GB
Estimated Build time:           14 Hrs (850 MHz)
Estimated Install size:         203 MB

The openoffice is a office suite, the opensource sibling of StarOffice.

openoffice depends on:
freetype-2.1.3, xfree86-4.3.0, j2sdk-1.4.1,
zip-2.3, unzip-5.50, tcsh-6.12,
db-4.1.25, STLport-4.5.3, which-2.14
and mktemp
openoffice will utilize:

Download the General Polygon Clipper Library from

Also download the various patches from The patches begin with openoffice-1.0.2. You will need most of the patches except for the patches that activate the use the system installed versions of packages (you need to select those based on your installation).

The source tarball only contains English language help. A localized help content file may be available at

If you have difficulties in building openoffice, check out the openoffice hint for detailed information at The hint also discusses installation of auxiliary software.

Installation of openoffice

Note that openoffice has problems with bison-1.875. Downgrade to bison-1.75 or install bison-1.75 with an alternate prefix (e.g. /opt/bison-1.75) and put $bison_prefix/bin as the first entry in the PATH.

Apply the downloaded patches and copy gpc files.

mv ../gpc231/* external/gpc &&
rm -rf ../gpc231 &&
for p in ../openoffice-1.0.2-*.patch
do patch -Np1 -i $p

If you want to optimize the build, edit solenv/inc/ and add the desired optimization flags to CFLAGSOPT variable. Some users have reported problems with -fomit-frame-pointer. The best option is to not use any custom optimizations. The following command removes an incorrect -mcpu option in the above file.

cd solenv/inc &&
cp &&
sed -e "s:\-mcpu=pentiumpro::" \ > &&
cd ../..

Configure openoffice using the following commands. You may add additional languages based on your preferences. If a particular component is not available in the language of your choice, the default will be English.

cd config_office/ &&
./configure --with-lang=ENUS --with-stlport4-home=/usr &&
cd .. &&

Compile openoffice using the following commands.

./bootstrap &&

If you have downloaded localized helpcontent zip files, you will need to unzip them to the appropriate directory as mentioned below and then recreate the installation set.

cd solver/641/ &&
for i in $(ls ../../../../../helpcontent_*_unix.tgz)
tar -xvzf $i
done &&
cd ../../../../instsetoo &&
rm -rf &&
dmake &&
cd ..

Install OpenOffice using the following commands. The following commands install the English language set. To install a localized version, replace the 01 by the international telephone country code for your country. Note that when installing, it needs a X Display, even though there is no visible X window. You can use Xvfb if you are compiling on a console.

cd instsetoo/ &&
cp install install.orig &&
sed -e "s:^oo_home=.*:oo_home=openoffice:" install.orig > install &&
./install --prefix=/opt &&
for appl in swriter scalc sdraw simpress smath soffice
do ln -sf /opt/openoffice/program/$appl /usr/bin/$appl

Command explanations

mv ../gpc231/gpc.* external/gpc : Copy the gpc files to the appropriate location.

--with-lang=ENUS : Compile for US English, you may set more languages or all to compile all available languages.

./bootstrap : Create packages required to bootstrap the build.

dmake : Compile the package.

sed -e "s:^oo_home=...: Remove version specific installation directory

for appl in swriter scalc sdraw simpress smath soffice; do ... : Create links so that the package can be started from the command line without changes to the existing path.


The openoffice package contains swriter, simpress, scalc, sdraw and smath.



Word processing application.


Presentation application.


Spreadsheet application.


Drawing application.


Mathematical formula editor.