
Introduction to xine-lib

Download location (HTTP):
Download location (FTP):        
Version used:                   1-beta9
Package size:                   3.7 MB
Estimated Disk space required:  39.5 MB
Estimated build time:           6.95 SBU

The xine-lib package contains xine libraries. These are useful for interfacing with external plug-ins that allow the flow of information from the source to the screen and speakers.

xine-lib depends on:
xfree86-4.3.0 and esound-0.2.29 or oss or alsa-0.9.2 or arts-1.1
xine-lib will utilize:
aalib-1.4rc4, SDL-1.2.5, DirectFB, DXR3, FLAC, FAME, 
libogg-1.0, libvorbis-1.0, ffmpeg-0.4.6, and xvid-0.9.1

Installation of xine-lib

Install xine-lib by running the following commands:

./configure --prefix=/usr &&
make &&
make install


The xine-lib package contains xine-config and libxine libraries.



xine-config provides information to programs trying to link with the xine libraries.

xine libraries

xine libraries provide the API for processing video files.