
Introduction to mpg123

Download location (HTTP):
Download location (FTP):        
Version used:                   0.59r
Package size:                   155 KB
Estimated Disk space required:  1.3 MB

The mpg123 package contains a console-based mp3-player. It claims to be the fastest mp3-decoder for unix.

mpg123 depends on:
oss or alsa-oss-0.9.1

Installation of mpg123

Install mpg123 by running the following commands:

make PREFIX=/usr linux &&
make PREFIX=/usr install

You can optimize the build of mpg123 for your processor. To do this, type

make linux-help

and select the optimization appropriate for your machine. However, this may not always work. There have been problems reported with using optimizations with mpg123; make PREFIX=/usr linux always seems to work.

Command explanations

make linux : This command builds mpg123 for linux.

make linux-help : This command lists all build-options for mpg123.

make install : This command installs mpg123 in /usr/local/bin.


The mpg123 package contains mpg123.



mpg123 is used for playing mp3 files via the console.