
Introduction to w3m

Download location (HTTP):       http://unc.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/w3m/w3m-
Download location (FTP):        
Version used:         
Package size:                   1.1 MB
Estimated Disk space required:  3 MB

w3m is a text based web browser and pager.

Installation of w3m

We configure w3m to use the "monster" model, which includes color, menu, mouse, cookie, and SSL support. Other models include:

baby   - bare minimum
little - color and menu support
mouse  - color, menu, and mouse support
cookie - color, menu, mouse, and cookie support

Install w3m by running the following commands:

./configure -yes -lang=en -model=monster -prefix=/usr &&
make &&
make install


w3m expects the GPM library to be located at /usr/lib/libgpm.so.1. To make w3m happy, we will create a symbolic link to the GPM library. You only need to do this if you compiled w3m with mouse support. To create this symbolic link, run the following command:

ln -sf /usr/lib/libgpm.so.?.* /usr/lib/libgpm.so.1

Possible problems with GPM

Depending on what version of GPM you are using, and whether or not any patches were applied to GPM, you might receive the following warning when starting w3m:

*** debug ***: [/usr/src/gpm-1.20.0/src/liblow.c(202)]:

Currently, the only known solution to this problem is to disable mouse support via the -no-mouse parameter. The origin of this problem is currently unknown.

Command explanations

./configure -yes : Set all parameters to their default values.

-lang=en : Set the default language to English.

-model=monster : This sets the build model to monster. Alternative build models are discussed above.


The w3m package contains w3m and w3mman.



w3m is a text based web browser and pager.


w3mman is an interface to the on-line reference manuals in w3m.