AUTHOR: Ilja Honkonen DATE: 2004-06-18 LICENSE: GNU Free Documentation License Version 1.2 SYNOPSIS: How to install Zero Install on LFS DESCRIPTION: This hint describes how I installed Zero Install on my newly created Linux From Scratch 5.0 system. Zero Install seems like a very good way of (not :)) installing and using software that has been "packaged" by its developers, thus eliminating the need for centralized packaging of software like Debian and Red Hat have been doing. This hint should be suitable for anyone who has built himself a LFS system. PREREQUISITES: I installed Zero Install on a Linux From Scratch 5.0 system. You could probably use an earlier version of LFS and you should be able to use a later version of LFS for this hint. You will need the following packages: Zero Install from LazyFS kernel module from dbus from These are needed too, but they are also installed in BLFS 5. wget from expat from gnupg from glib from Python from pkgconfig from HINT: Start by installing wget, expat, gnupg, glib, python and pkgconfig as described in Beyond Linux From Scratch 5.1. I have repeated the instructions below: Wget-1.9.1 ./configure --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc && make && make install expat-1.95.7 ./configure --prefix=/usr && make && make install GnuPG-1.2.4 ./configure --prefix=/usr --libexecdir=/usr/lib && make && make install && chmod 4755 /usr/bin/gpg Glib-1.2.10 ./configure --prefix=/usr && make && make install pkgconfig-0.15.0 ./configure --prefix=/usr && make && make install Python-2.3.4 I have omitted instructions on patching python-2.3.3 as was done in BLFS 5.1 because I used python version 2.3.4. This worked for me... ./configure --prefix=/usr --enable-shared && make && make install Then install dbus which is required by zero-install dbus-0.21 ./configure --prefix=/usr && make && make install I used gpg to get zero-install and lazyfs-linux into extractable form: gpg lazyfs-linux-0.1.23-smp.tgz.gpg unless you have 0install authors key in your keyring gpg will complain but that is ok... Now install the kernel module that is required by 0install LazyFS-0.1.23 ./configure && make && make install Finally install Zero Install 0.1.24 0install homepage recommends to run zero install as a non root user, which seems like a good idea. Below are the commands that I used to create a user and a group named zeroinst, adapted from BLFS 5 instructions about apache groupadd zeroinst && useradd -c 0install -d /dev/null -g zeroinst -s /bin/sh zeroinst Then 0install itself: ./configure --prefix=/usr --with-user=zeroinst \ --with-initdir=/etc/rc.d/init.d && make && make install Now you should have everyting installed and be able to try out 0install. First start Zero Install with /etc/rc.d/init.d/0install start then try this command cat /uri/0install/ If it prints It worked! then... it worked!! Now since I had not installed anything else but LFS 5.0 and what is in this hint, I could not use many of the packages that have been prepared, but I found python and java which seemed to work fine using these commands (note I used an Athlon machine, and this may take a while depending on how fat ur pipe is) /uri/0install/ /uri/0install/ If you have a graphical working environment, gtk and friends installed, you can use Zero Progress to monitor the progress of downloads /uri/0install/ & and find many programs like so /uri/0install/ /uri/0install/ For additional information the Zero Install homepage is your friend: Now all that is left to do is to write to the developers of your favourite software and ask them to start using/supporting Zero Install... CHANGELOG: [2004-6-18] * Initial hint.