
Introduction to UnZip

The UnZip package contains ZIP extraction utilities. These are useful for extracting files from ZIP archives. ZIP archives are created with PKZIP or Info-ZIP utilities primarily in a DOS environment.

Package information

Installation of UnZip

Install UnZip by running the following commands:

patch -Np1 -i ../unzip-5.51-fix_Makefile-1.patch &&
patch -Np1 -i ../unzip-5.51-fix_libz-1.patch &&
patch -Np1 -i ../unzip-5.51-dont_make_noise-1.patch &&
cp unix/Makefile . &&
make prefix=/usr LOCAL_UNZIP=-DUSE_UNSHRINK linux &&
make prefix=/usr LOCAL_UNZIP=-DUSE_UNSHRINK linux_shlibz &&
make prefix=/usr LOCAL_UNZIP=-DUSE_UNSHRINK install &&
cp -d libunzip.so* /usr/lib

Command explanations

make prefix=/usr LOCAL_UNZIP=-DUSE_UNSHRINK linux: This command overrides the prefix variable that is set to /usr/local in the Makefile, sets the LOCAL_UNZIP environment variable to instruct UnZip to use the shrinking algorithm based on the LZW compression algorithm, and builds the executables for a Linux system. The alternatives to 'linux' can be seen with a make list command.

make ... linux_shlibz: Build shared libunzip and link UnZip against it and zlib.


The UnZip package contains unzip, funzip, unzipfsx, zipgrep, zipinfo and the libunzip library.



unzip lists, tests or extracts files from a ZIP archive.


funzip allows the output of unzip commands to be redirected.


unzipfsx is the self-extracting stub that can be prepended to a ZIP archive. Files in this format allow the recipient to decompress the archive without installing UnZip.


zipgrep is a grep for ZIP archives.


zipinfo produces technical information about the files in a ZIP archive, including file access permissions, encryption status, type of compression, etc.

Last updated on 2005-02-07 19:34:15 -0700